Information about Permaculture Farmers

3 Ethical Principles

1 Caring for Earth - Farming land, forest and water

Conventional farming outperformed 10-1 by nature

It has been known for many years that piece of original nature is 10 times more productive than so-called conventional agriculture, and that is without any kind of input. And that is so, it is in most of the world. The conventional farming with GMO, chemical, oil and mechanical input, is outperformed 10-1 by nature.

On top of that, many of the conventional farming methods have such high energy input that the production of energy in the form of crops are often less than the input. It simply must be stopped, there is no care of the earth in conventional farming, only destruction. It's only about profit here and now, at all costs.

A permaculture project should be seen as "one" living organism, a biological cycle, natures recycling system, where all elements depend on all the other elements, back and forth. There is no one-way traffic of nutrition and energy in permaculture only 100% recycling and reuse again and again as in a natural habitat.

It all depends on the fertility of the soil. A deep living soil must always be formed. It is the most important part of all permaculture projects. Crops do not grow on square meters land, crops are growing in cubic meters of soil.

The trees, shrubs will be different kind of multipurpose trees for lumber, chop and drop, coppice, flower, fruit, nuts, berries, and with as many nitrogen-fixing trees and shrubs as possible, especially in the first part of the succession. Cover crops, companion planting, with nitrogen fixation and soil improving productive annuals will be an important part of the start-up of a permaculture project.

All plants grow in succession over the years, to increase soil fertility and productivity. The thinking is that poultry and later goats and pigs may be everywhere when the trees have grown big enough to handle the animals.


Hugelbed may be included to increase the production of small trees and shrubs for fruits, berries, nuts and annual and perennial vegetables. The hugelbed layout has to be horizontally along the contour lines, where we also make horizontal water channels to gather and distribute all water to discharge it slowly to the lowest point which can be a lake or pond, the water can then be used for irrigation in the complete recirculation system.


Compost production is an important part of a permaculture project and the first unit to put up and run since compost is a part of all other units and elements of a permaculture project. The compost have to be produced in different ways, cold composting, thermal composting and vermiculture will be the major contributors since they can be used to make compost tea and extract.

So the "mainframe" of a permaculture project is the nitrogen-fixing plants, hugelbed, horizontal water channels, water and nutrient recycling. It all aims to build the fertility of the earth, restore symbiotic relationships between soil, water, plants, animals, and thus restore natural productivity and biological balance.

2 Caring for people - yourself, your relatives and society

Self-sufficient household

Care for humans is part of the basis of permaculture. The idea of a self-sufficient household is almost unknown in many parts of the world. But many people have more than 400 to 500 m2 around there houses, laid out for just decoration. With just that area as a permaculture garden, families can grow most of their vegetables and fruits.

Look and taste

Permaculture projects will often have an “open door” to let all interested come in to see and taste. It gives people a chance to see what they can produce themselves, many good and healthy food in their own gardens. Using permaculture and getting many new social activities with their children and neighbors.

Renewable energy

When it comes to renewable energy, the solar power, solar heating, and wind evolved greatly in some parts of the world over the last 10 years. Everyone one can use the sun and wind to get light and energy, it is possible to use all renewable energy technologies in a permaculture project and it will be an ecological benefit of all.

Developing countries

Looking at developing countries, the thinking of a self-sufficient households or villages was the traditional way of living and is still in some places. But in many countries, it is no longer the case, the people are now leaving rural areas and move toward the cities, in many places farmland are destroyed and abandoned, the even productive farming land is left. With permaculture it is possible to have a good and sustainable lifestyle, using renewable energy technologies and permaculture design techniques. It will be beneficial for many people in developing countries and get people to return to the farms because it is a good life again.

Demonstration projects

Making demonstration projects and letting people look and taste can be the most important caring for people in permaculture projects. But also training farmers, agricultural students in permaculture is important.

1000 ha = 100 or even 200 permaculture farms

Western farmers have large farms, with 2000 sows and 1000 ha or more. The large conventional farms have one thing in common and that is that the farmers cannot live from them. The big farms run with a minus and need financial support from governments, that is because they often run a very inefficient mono production that requires very large input.

If farmers knew that a family can live from 5 to 10 ha with permaculture farming, it would change how farmers and agriculture think about the world.

3 Fair Share - Putting limits to consumption and reproduction, and share the surplus

Good taste is an advertisement

On a permaculture project, some products will grow in larger quantities than what is needed in some periods. These products can be given away to visitors or to institutions of different kinds. Fruits of different kinds are a product that will be plentiful in periods. Remember good taste is an advertisement for permaculture products and a permaculture project will benefit from it. “Give the excess out and get more customers next year.”

Give back to nature

There are many ways to look at Fair Share. Perhaps it's just about making room for everyone and giving everyone a chance to do their best. With permaculture it is important always to give back to nature in as many ways as possible, we humans live from nature.

The most important resources in the world are soil and freshwater. Many places around the world are both the soil and fresh water is on the way to be used up with an alarming rate, especially because of the very precarious conventional agriculture that is polluting and destroying both the soil and water.

Conventional agriculture is incomprehensively ineffective

If we look at agriculture all over the world, conventional farming uses 70% of all arable land, 80% of fossil fuels, 70% of the water, and pollutes all air, soil, and water that approaches the farms. With the help of all the destructive "input" conventional agriculture produces only 30% of food for humanity and most of that food is unhealthy for eating or even downright dangerous to eat, because of GMOs and countless pesticides from agriculture and additives from all the food industries.

Traditional agriculture in a permaculture form can feed the world

The small farmers with a few hectares, produce 70% of the human food on 30% of the lands, with 20% of fossil fuels, and 30% of the water. A large part of the food is healthy to eat because it has never been sprayed with pesticides, given fertilizer or industrially treated. The products are often sold directly from the farm or in the local markets as fresh and live products.

Family permaculture farming

It's a no-brainer. The large conventional and unprofitable farms should be closed and divided into 5 to 10 hectares regenerative permaculture family farms is that working with nature and not against nature. The families running permaculture farms will comfortable lives with varied work, good income, get excellent food, and sell exellent food, have a good life and be happy. Employees will receive a fair share for their work, and permaculture students will get good educations, and help to start their own permaculture farm up and running it.

I'm dreaming yes, but it's fair share.